Australian-Croatian Soccer Tournament / Croatian Soccer Association of Australia & New Zealand


The Croatian community of Australia has played an important part in the history of Australian football (soccer). Countless clubs have been formed over the years in every state and territory (except for the Northern Territory). At present there are 34 active Croatian football clubs operating in Australia.

The Australian-Croatian Soccer Tournament is a tournament run by the Croatian Soccer Association of Australia (CSAA or "Savez" in Croatian), which has been held annualy since 1974. The inspiration for the tournament came from the successful Croatian-North American Soccer Tournament founded in 1964.

The CSAA annual tournament today represents being the largest and oldest ethnic football tournament in Australia, having been hosted in every Australian state and territory except for the Northern Territory (it was also hosted by NZ member club Auckland Croatia). It also holds the honour of being the oldest national soccer competition still running in Australia.

Our Club has been proudly participating at the CSAA Tournaments since 1996 under its original name of
Dalmacija Sydney Croatian Club, and over the years has entered teams in the Men's Division 2, Masters (O35's) & Women's Competitions.

The tournament is currenty split into 5 divisions:  Men's Division 1 (NPL/State League Clubs), Men's Division 2 (Lower State League/Amateur Clubs), Women's Division, Masters Division (over 35's) & Veterans Division (over 45's).

St Albans Dinamo will host the 50th Annual CSAA Tournament between Thursday 25th September 2024 to Sunday 29th September (inclusive) in Melbourne (venues to be confirmed). These are the revised dates issued by the CSAA on 4th May 2024, after Clubs voted to change the original dates,

CSAA Tournament Club Titles won by Dalmacija Sydney:
Year Tournament Division Title
2018 44th CSAA Tournament - Gold Coast Masters (O35's) Grand Final Winners
2016 42nd CSAA Tournament - Adelaide Masters (O35's) Grand Final Winners
2018 Masters Competition Winners - 44th CSAA Tournament Gold Coast:
2016 Masters Competition Winners - 42nd CSAA Tournament Adelaide:

The CSAA Masters Division commenced in 2012. The Grand Final Winners by Year are:
Year Tournament Division Grand Final Winner
2023 CSAA Tournament - Adelaide Masters (O35's) Gospic Bears
2022 CSAA Tournament - Sydney Masters (O35's) Sydney United
2021 CSAA Tournament - Gold Coast Masters (O35's) (CANCELLED)
2020 CSAA Tournament - North Geelong Masters (O35's) (CANCELLED)
2019 CSAA Tournament - Dandenong Masters (O35's) Dandenong City Hajduk
2018 CSAA Tournament - Gold Coast Masters (O35's) Dalmacija Sydney Croatian Club
2017 CSAA Tournament - Canberra Masters (O35's) Hurstville Zagreb
2016 CSAA Tournament - Adelaide Masters (O35's) Dalmacija Sydney Croatian Club
2015 CSAA Tournament - Brisbane Masters (O35's) HNK Strathmore Split
2014 CSAA Tournament - Wollongong Masters (O35's) South Coast United
2013 CSAA Tournament - Melbourne Masters (O35's) Melbourne Croatia
2012 CSAA Tournament - Gold Coast Masters (O35's) Gold Coast Knights Old Boys

The current members of the Croatian Soccer Association of Australia & New Zealand (CSAA) are:

HNK Dalmacija Sydney

HNK Edensor Park
HNK Kralj Tomislav
Hurstville Zagreb FC
Newcastle Croatia
South Coast United (Wollongong Croatia)
Sydney United 58 FC (Croatia Sydney)
Werrington Croatia FC

Canberra FC (Croatia Deakin)
HNK O'Connor Knights

Dandenong City (Dandenong City Hajduk)
Gospic Bears
HNK Mostar Melbourne 1980
HNK Strathmore Split
Irymple Knights
Melbourne Knights (Croatia Melbourne)
Melbourne Tornado Zadar
NK Bunker
North Geelong Warriors (North Geelong Croatia)
St Albans Saints (St Albans Dinamo)
St Albans Vukovar
Wednesday Knights FC

Brisbane Knights FC (Brisbane Croatia)
Gold Coast Knights (Gold Coast Croatia)
NK Adriatic Gold Coast
Stratford Dolphins FC
Sunnyside Croatia

Adelaide Raiders (Adelaide Croatia)
Whyalla Croatia
Adelaide Croatia Vukovi

Glenorchy Knights (Glenorchy Croatia)

Gwelup Croatia
Western Knights (North Perth Croatia)

NK Auckland Croatia