The Team Manager's Role
The role of the Team Manager is as follows:
- Communicate between the Club and the parents/players, predominately through the Age Co-ordinator;
- Verify Players ID's prior to the start of the season;
- Organise their team, and ensure all players are aware of schedules trainings & games;
- Organise who is available to play each week;
- Update the match results on the DRIBL Team Managers portal/application;
- Obtain player photos on the DRIBL Team Managers portal/application (U12+ only);
- Print photo ID sheets (U12+ only);
- Distribute shirts, shorts & socks prior to the first round of the competition;
- Allocate shirt numbers to players and keep a record of each (U12+ only);
- On game day, ensure that team players wear the correct playing strips (if ignored, Clubs can be fined);
- Prepare electronic match cards (U12+ only);
- Check the wet weather announcements prior to training sessions & games and advise parents/players;
- Set up group emails, SMS, or other team management applications (such at "TeamApp" or "Team Stuff");
- Organise a washing roster for bibs and playing jerseys (MAA & M35 only);
- Ensure the Club's Code of Conduct is adhered to;
- Play a leadership role on game day in dealing with players, parents, spectators, the opposition & officials;
- Appoint a "Game Leader" for Miniroos games (U6-U11);
- Ensure that all players be given a fair and equitable playing time over the course of the season (U6's to U11's);
- Maintain an COVID-19 Training Register for each training session (must be kept for 6 weeks).
Prior to the commencement of the season, all Team Managers are required to:
- Register on as a Team Manager for Willoughby Dalleys FC;
- Apply for a Working With Children Check HERE and provide details to the Club Secretary for verification / recording on the Club's WWCC Register;
- Obtain a logon for the DRIBL Team Managers portal/app (refer below).
DRIBL Team Managers Portal/App
In summary, the DRIBL system has been developed and implemented to manage the NSFA's Football Competition. It imports all registered player, coach, team manager and volunteer registration for the Club from the website and allows the players to be allocated to the different age groups & teams. With the exception of the Miniroos (U06-U11), it also manages the photo ID sheets and the Electronic Match Cards for each game.
Each Team Manager, Coach and Age Coordinator will be given "Reporter" & "Recorder" access to DRIBL for their respective team/s.
You can access the team managers portal at
Please contact the Club Secretary ( should you not be able to successfully login.
On the NSFA's website link , you can find some helpful "how-to" video guides that demonstrate how to use DRIBL. There are videos covering:
- Pre-Game: Prepare & Submit Team (U12+ only)
- Pre-Game: Confirm Opposition Team (U12+ only)
- Pre-Game: Add Official (U12+ only, and where there is no officially appointed referee in attendance)
- Pre-Game: Forfeit
- Post Game: Scores
DRIBL can also be accessed via your smartphone by downloading the app via your iPhone/Android app provider.
DRIBL User Guide
Verification of Player ID's
All Willoughby Dalleys FC players are required to have their identity verified by a Club official (Team Manager, Age Coordinator or Club Secretary) prior the first round of competition. Suitable documents are:
- a Birth Certificate (or extract);
- a Drivers Licence;
- a Passport.
The details that need to be verified are:
- Full Legal Name;
- Date of Birth.
The verification of Player ID's needs to be recorded in the DRIBL Team Managers Portal:
- Select "Confirm Players DOB" from the main menu;
- Select the Players Name to be Vertified:
- Select Type of ID shown if DOB agrees with what is in the registration database.
- Notify the Club Secretary of any discrepancies.
There is no need to keep a copy of the verification documents by the Club.
Code of Conduct
Team Managers should be familiar with the Club's Code of Conduct, which covers players, coaches, parents/guardians, spectators, officials & volunteers. These can be found HERE
All enquiries, concerns or complaints re the Code of Conduct should be addressed to the Club's Member Protections Information Officer (MPIO) at
The website provides news, advice, resources, free online training, complaint handling procedures to assist Club Officials to keep sport safe, fair & inclusive.
Guidelines for Interacting with Children
Team Managers should be familiar with the Club's Guidelines for Interacting with Children. These can we found HERE.
Electronic Match Cards (U12+ only)
Team Managers (U12's+) are required to prepare electronic match cards via the MCM Team Managers portal. Managers should download a link to the Team Managers portal on their smart phones and complete the E-match card at least 10 minutes prior to kick-off.
Instructions can be found at
Once a match card is submitted electronically it cannot be amended.
Team Managers (U12's+) are advised to bring with them each week 3 generic team paper match cards in the event that there are technical difficulties (e.g. no internet reception) otherwise a forfeit will occur. If one team cannot submit electronic match cards then both must complete the paper match card. Team Managers should also have a hard paper copy of the Player ID Photos as well.
Match Day Checklist
- Check if the ground is OPEN;
- Organise away strips if required (MAA & M35);
- Ensure that there is a First Aid Kit & Ice on-site & accessible;
- Home team to supply match balls;
- Team to be at the field 30 minutes before kick-off;
- Check players are wearing the correct strip, shin pads, etc;
- No jewelry, watches, ear/nose /lip/eyebrow rings to be worn by players at training or during games;
- Check there are no children under 16 years of age working in or playing in the canteen or BBQ areas;
- Ensure the playing area/change rooms/canteen are free from visible hazards;
- Ensure the ambulance access gate is open and free of obstacles (MAA/M35 - Willoughby Park Oval #1);
- Ensure the change rooms are open (M35 - Willoughby Park Oval #1);
- Ensure both team managers introduce themselves to the referee and assist the referee as requested;
- Provide officials if no qualified referees are present.
Weekly Results
The results from the weekly matches should be entered on the DRIBL Team Managers portal within 24 hours of the conclusion of the match.
For U6's to U11's, the DRIBL Team Managers portal is only used to enter the match results or forfeits. These results are used in the re-grading process by the NSFA Competition Managers for miniroos and are strictly not to be published anywhere. The steps are simple...just follow the video guide found at
For U12+, the DRIBL Team Managers portal is used to enter the match results as part of the Electronic Match Card procedures.
If the results don't match with your opposition it will either advise you or the NSFA will send an email asking for the "mismatch" to be resolved.
Season Training Schedules
Prior to the start of the season, the Age Co-ordinator will advise each team/squad (via the Team Manager) of their training allocations.
Please make sure players are ready to commence at the specified start time (i.e. it is recommended to arrive at least 10 minutes prior).
Training grounds are at a premium in the Willoughby Council area, so each team needs to respect other teams who they may be sharing the grounds with.
At a junior/miniroo level, each team will need to appoint a "Team Coach". As a volunteer-run, not-for-profit club, we rely on the participation of parents to fill these roles voluntarily to make the junior/miniroo football teams financially viable. The Club is unable to offer paid coaches for any of its junior/miniroo teams. It is recommended that junior coaches hold a minimum Grassroots Training Certificate. Parent Coaches are also required to obtain a Working With Children Check.
At a senior men's level, the Club will endeavour to source either a volunteer coach or an external coach. All senior coaches will have undergone a Working With Children Check which is verified by the Club Secretary. It is recommended that senior men's coaches hold a minimum Game Training Certificate. Senior men's coaches will also be provided access to the Inspire FC Program offered by our association, NSFA.
U6-U11: No referees are supplied so the HOME team (the first team listed in the draw) must provide a referee/game leader. This is a duty of a parent from the home team.
U12+: Referees are allocated by the KDFRA to U12+ games. Sometimes there are not enough referees available to cover all games and sometimes the referee doesn't show up. In this case, the HOME team needs to supply a referee. This can be anybody who understands the rules.
The Competition Managers at the NSFA prepare the weekly draws, which are available at
The U6's -U11's draws are published for 4-5 weeks at a time. This is due to the regrading of teams that occurs during the season, based on game results.
For U13+, the NSFA are aim to release the draw one week prior to the first round of competition.
For U12's (Super League teams excepted), there will be 2 grading weekends at the beginning of the season where a series of round robin games will be held to determine team gradings for competition purposes.
Scheduled game times should be checked regularly as game times &/or grounds can change with little notice, including Saturday mornings.
School Holidays
No games are generally scheduled on the middle weekend of the school holidays (U6's-U11's). However, it is best to check the NSFA Draw or the NSFA Calendar for further information, both of which are available on the NSFA website
During the school holiday period, the allocated training grounds are still booked by the Club so it is up to each team (U6's-U11's) if they want to train during this period.
Gala Day - Miniroos
For the U6's to U11's Saturday (mixed) & Sunday (girls) competition, a Gala Day is normally held at the end of the season. The Gala Days are a series of 2-3 short games as a round robin, which is usuallly held over a 3-hour period at a single ground.
Please refer to the NSFA Calendar for dates.
Final Series
U12+ teams, including Senior Men's, that finish in the top 4 of their divisions will play in a finals series. This will be in the format of a semi-final / final.
Please note that the winner of the division (being the team that finishes at the top of the table) is the winner of the competition.
The top team in Division 1 of U12+ competitions, including Senior Men's, may qualify to represent the NSFA in the NSW Champion of Champions Competition.
At the end of the completed season, each child participating the the miniroos competition will receive an individually engraved trophy.
For senior teams, presentation nights are held during the month of September where 3 trophies are presented:
- Player's Player;
- Top Goal Scorer;
- Most Valuable Players (Coaches Award).
Wet Weather
Councils have the right to close grounds due to wet weather or poor ground conditions. If the grounds are closed, no games or training sessions are allowed.
Ground Controllers and referees can also close grounds due to poor conditions just prior to scheduled game start times.
It is advisable to check the NSFA draw for any cancellations. In some cases, games may be moved to other safe grounds which remain open.
For up-to-date information please refer to
Please note that cancellations or changes can occur late on Friday night or on the Saturday morning of the game.
Team Managers should ensure that they have enough team members available for upcoming matches.Forfeits should be a last resort - you should always try to borrow a player from another team if possible.
Juniors: All forfeits should be notified to the Junior Age Coordinator (, who will notify the NSFA via the Club Secretary. For Saturday matches, this needs to be done by the midday on the Thursday prior to the scheduled match.
Seniors: All forfeits should be notified to the Club Secretary (, who will notify the NSFA. For Saturday matches, this needs to be done by the midday on the Thursday prior to the scheduled match.
Fines can be imposed by NSFA for late forfeits.
Juniors: All injuries need to be reported to the Junior Age Coordinator (
Seniors: All injuries to be reported to the Club Secretary (
Further information on player's insurance coverage can be found at
Ground Dressing - Senior Mens - 2025
For 2025, the only field that requires dressing is Willoughby Park Oval #1. This field is generally only used by the M35 team, who are responsible to the field set up / take down.
However, the draw must be checked each week to see if there are any NSFA-sanctioned games scheduled (which will require dressing by Willoughby Dalleys FC).
NSFA Competition Regulations
A copy of each Competition Regulations can be viewed at covering:
- Participant Registration;
- Competition Football (U12+);
- Miniroos (U6-U11);
- Member Protection;
- Age Eligibility.
NSFA Discipline & Appeals Regulations
A copy of the Discipline & Appeals Regulations can be viewed at
NSFA Policies
The NSFA has issued a range of policies that each Club is bound by, and these can be viewed at
These cover the following topics:
- Communications;
- Playing Strip;
- Playing Strip Advertising;
- Player Equipment;
- Goal Post Safety;
- Hot Weather;
- Lightening;
- Smoking;
- Pregnancy;
- Alcohol;
- Photography & Video;
- Social Media;
- Privacy;
- Concussion;
- Accident Support Scheme;
- Wet Weather;
- Canteen.
Playing Strips (Jerseys, Shorts & Socks) - 2025
Umbro is the official provider of playing strips for Willoughby Dalleys FC's junior & miniroos teams for the 2024 & 2025 season.
Parents with children who did not play with our Club in 2024 will need to purchase a new jersey ($40.00) and order new shorts ($NIL).The Club will provide new Umbro socks at the start of the season.
Players in age groups 12+ are required to have numbers of the back of the shirts.
Please refer to the Registration page for sizing details.
Shorts & socks are generally available within 5 days ex-Sydney. The Jerseys (custom) require a lead time of 5-6 weeks (ex-China). Limited emergency stock is held by the Junior/Miniroos Age Coordinator.
Please refer to your Age Coordinator should you need to place an order. Once orders arrive, the Age Coordinator will distribute them.
Player's jerseys are priced at $ 40.00ea. Shorts and socks will be provided free as part of the player registration fee. The jersey and shorts can be purchased directly from the Club (via email to the Junior/Miniroos Age Coordinator).
Garment Care
To preserve the appearance of our playing strips, etc., and to prevent damage to the logos & numbers, the following garment care points need to be followed:
- Launder the garment according to the directions on the care tag;
- Turn the garment inside out to wash;
- Wash in cold water only;
- Use a "gentle" , "hand wash" or "delicates" machine cycle;
- Line dry only. Do NOT tumble dry;
- To avoid colour transfer during, or after wash, do not leave wet garments unattended for any length of time;
- No bleach to be used on the garments;
- Do NOT iron;
- Do NOT dry clean.
Good communications are key for the successful operation of any Club. Please follow these suggested communication/information flows:
- NSFA ⇒ Club Secretary ⇒ Age Coordinator ⇒ Team Manager ⇒ Players/Parents
- Player/Parents ⇒ Team Manager ⇒ Age Coordinator ⇒ Club Secretary ⇒ NSFA
Parents, Players & Team Managers should avoid contacting the NSFA office, as they only liaise with Club Secretaries.
Please be mindful that for players under the age of 18 years old, Team Managers should be communicating with the parents and not the children directly.
Team Manager Kit Bags - Miniroos 2025
In 2025, each new miniroos team manager will be issued with the following kit bag, which must be returned at the end of the season to the Junior/Miniroos Age Coordinator so that it can be replenished for the next season:
- Umbro Black Training Bag Medium
- Size 3 or 4 training ball (depending on age group)
- Hart Lite-Sports First Aid Kit
- Hart Ball Pump
- Antibacterial hand sanitiser gel 500ml
- Whistle with lanyard x 6 [new]
- Junior training bibs yellow x 12
- Team Managers Manual
Should any of the existing team manager kit bags require replenishing during the season, please contact the Junior/Miniroos Age Coordinator via email.